Women Over 40 Counseling

Do You Find Yourself Facing A Mid-Life Transformation?

Are you a woman over 40, facing crossroads in your life? Forty is a dividing line between learning who you are and becoming more of who you want to be.  It is about hearing your own voice more clearly. Did you turn 40 just yesterday or years ago? Whether you’re 40, 50, 60, or 70 there is still time to grow, discover, and conquer.

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You may have received many gifts and faced challenges on your journey so far and feel grateful for what you’ve experienced. You can likely look back on your earlier adulthood and see how you’ve grown and changed.

Life After Transition Or Loss

Life is full of losses and transitions. As a woman over 40, you know firsthand how life can take you down unexpected roads. What if you had what you wanted but life took a difficult turn and now you’ve lost something or someone important to you? You may have experienced the pain and sadness from losses, such as...

  • The death of loved ones

  • Unhappy relationships

  • Divorce or separation

  • Job loss or lifestyle change

Navigating life changes and difficult times can be emotionally challenging and can distort your focus and priorities. Although nobody wants to experience the pain from loss, as we process grief, we often find ourselves stronger, more empathic, or more aware of making the most we can out of life.  

You may be considering a transition – or you may have had one thrust upon you. Perhaps you are...

  • Stuck in an unsatisfying job

  • Living with an empty nest

  • Acting as a caregiver for a family member

  • Experiencing general dissatisfaction

You may have recently created a new family or you may have children leaving the home. Perhaps your life has not turned out the way you had envisioned – or you still have difficulty deciding who you want to be when you grow up. It’s possible that you’ve reached your career dreams only to realize they aren’t as fulfilling as you would like.

Is your current life the one that is congruent with your earlier, and not your current, version of yourself?  Do you crave something different? Are you yearning for something more?

Mid-Life Transitions And Growth Are Very Common For Women

If you find yourself unexpectedly at an impasse, you are not alone. We all go through different phases in life, and it’s not uncommon for things to shift into clearer focus after age 40. This is especially common following a loss, whether you’ve ended a significant relationship, left a job, or watched your children move out of the home.  

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At this stage in life, you likely know yourself better. You know that something needs to change or give, but you may only have a vague sense of what that change looks like. In every shift, there is opportunity for positive growth and profound freedom. However, sometimes fear and uncertainty prevent us from starting anew.

A successful businessman once stated that more careers are thwarted due to fear than due to failure. I think that is true of many things that we want in life. One of my favorite questions is “What would I do if I weren’t afraid?” When you’re living with unfounded fears, they can limit your ability to see positive prospects for the future.

However, having someone by your side, who is your equal and your cheerleader, allows you to unlock and overcome hindering fear. With our support and guidance, you can gain clarity about what you need to feel happy and whole. You can move into this new life phase feeling more alive than ever.

Women’s Counseling Can Help You Thrive  

Counseling for women can be incredibly effective in providing insight, support, and new ways of approaching your struggles. As a team, you and your therapist can identify your goals, assess your resources and tap into your inherent joys. Together, we can establish a course of treatment geared toward helping you achieve your full potential.

Women’s therapy offers a safe, nonjudgmental outlet for you to address the parts of you that are wanting to be heard. During sessions, you can expect your therapist’s undivided attention and support as you explore what you want out of life. You may identify and heal limiting ideas and emotions. We may practice assertive communication so you feel increasingly comfortable communicating and advocating for what you need. We can work together to overcome obstacles so you can listen to your inner voice. We can also explore practical options that align your life with your true passions.

If you’re struggling due to an interpersonal relationship, we offer couples counseling, counseling after a divorce, relationship counseling, and discernment counseling. Whatever you may be facing, we can uproot sources of distress so that you feel empowered to take the next step. Our approach focuses on helping you harness your intrinsic strengths and power for change.

Everyone’s path to joy is different. Life transitions counseling is all about giving voice to what you want so that you feel confident making decisions that lead to sustained change.

At Three Peaks Counseling, we’ve been working with women going through mid-life transitions and growth for over 15 years. We know, both professionally and personally, that profound change is possible.

After 40, you can develop more zest for life. When you listen to your inner-self and honor what you truly want, you can create a life that aligns with your desires and values—a life that’s better than you ever thought possible.

You may still have questions or concerns about women’s counseling…

I have a good life. Do I really need therapy?

You may have achieved the benchmarks of success that society creates for us—marriage, a family, a good career. However, you may still harbor an underlying sense of unease and dissatisfaction.

Women’s counseling doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to undergo a big transformation. Oftentimes, small shifts in your routine can have a significant impact on your mood. It sounds cliché, but when you care for yourself, you can live in a way that is more congruent with your values, which leads to increased joy and satisfaction. With the right guidance, you take stock of all the good in your life and gradually shift parts that are out of line with your needs.

Am I selfish for reaching out for help?

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As women, we often place our interests last. You’ve been conditioned from a young age to be agreeable and nurturing. Here, you have a space that is completely your own—a space to deeply explore what you want and need.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s like the safety message we receive in an airplane. You have to apply your own safety mask before you can help others. When you care for yourself and feel energized, you have more to give to the world.

I’m afraid my entire life is going to change.

Women often seek therapy when they are at a crossroads in life and want to make a change. You may be deciding to end a relationship or make a career change. Becoming aware of what you want doesn’t necessarily mean you have to make those changes. Whatever you decide, your therapist will support unconditionally.

However, as you identify and explore your values, you may come to value the positives of staying right where you are, rather than making a significant, perhaps even risky, change. Here, you can carefully consider all your options and make empowering decisions that are right for you.

Honor This Time Of Life And Begin To Move Forward

If you have additional questions or concerns about life transitions counseling for women, we invite you to call (720) 425-1111 for a free consultation. Click on the links below to learn more about our providers who specialize in women’s counseling. If you know who you would like to work with, you are welcome to contact that counselor directly to schedule an appointment. Three Peaks Counseling offices are located in Thornton and Loveland, Colorado.

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